Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Next Great Innovation in Fitness!

Do you ever think to yourself that you don’t exercise enough? We all do! Who has time for all of that moving and shaking in today’s hustle-bustle world?!

That’s why you need Dr. Lake’s “Exercize in a Bottle!” (Patent Pending.)

Dr. Lake’s revolutionary formula is based on real science, and targets every muscle in your body with the same intense workout formula as strenuous, limit testing exercise! Have you ever tried to start a workout program only to feel sore the very next day? That soreness comes from a buildup of lactic acid in your muscles. That’s why Dr. Lake’s “Exercize in a bottle” features over 55% pure, high quality lactic acid in every pill! (Remaining ingredients 10% maltodextrin, 12% binding agents, and 22% ash.) That lactic acid will enter your body via your mouth, diffuse throughout your body, and instantly fill your body with levels of lactic acid usually only possible by strenuous, limit breaking anaerobic exercise.

Get yours today!