Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Three-Way Relationship Application

I’ve been sexually harassing one of my friends via this thought process for at least a month now. The creation of this application was my way of escalating the good times. But then I had a breakthrough… Given that the document is electronic, I can sexually harass lots of people with it!

That said, by all means, fill it out as a joke, fill it out for real, or just read it for fun. Submissions can be sent to me via whatever means you think would be most fun or best! Enjoy!

Application to Become the Third Member of a Now-Two-Way Relationship

Section 1, Multiple Choice:

1) Three way relationships are all about:
a. Sex
b. Communism
c. Money
d. Breaking up an otherwise stable couple for entertainment
e. The same things a two way relationship is about, but more so

2) Relatively speaking:
a. I want to join the relationship pretty much exclusively because of one person in the existing couple
b. One of the people in the existing couple is SO much hotter than the other one
c. I’m in it for the money/cheap rent/babysitting perks
d. I enjoy conflict as something to do
e. I suspect that a three-way relationship would require an unusual amount of maturity from everyone involved

3) I can probably be classified as:
a. Jealous
b. Really jealous
c. Insanely jealous
d. Insane
e. Measured and rational

4) I can probably also be classified as:
a. Combative
b. Always right
c. Territorial
d. Feral
e. Open-minded

5) I would try to resolve conflict in a three way relationship via:
a. Playing the other two people against each other
b. Sabotage
c. Attempting to eject the undesired third member from the relationship, finally
d. More conflict
e. All of the above
f. Logical debate

Section 2, Short Answer:

1) Please comment on how you feel you would be compatible with the existing personalities in the established couple individually.

2) Please comment on how you believe you would add to the social dynamic of the relationship by becoming an active member.

3) Please comment on any incompatibilities you foresee, and how they might be addressed.

4) Please comment on your sexual side, including any suspected compatibilities or incompatibilities with both the individual members of the couple, and with the couple as a unit.

5) Please comment on how happy you feel you would be as a member of the three way relationship, including any concerns you may have that might negatively impact your happiness.

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