Wednesday, February 20, 2008

You Need A Spanking

True story.

For months, my printer at home would print black and white pages perfectly, but instantly jam when printing in color.

This was really annoying, because after searching it three times, I simply could NOT find any evidence of any blockage, stuck gears, misalignments, etc.

Finally, it got to the point where I really wanted to print a few pages in color right then and there. I was ready to drive to Best Buy and get a new printer. Before I did, I decided to blow off a little steam at the annoyance I had let go on for so long. I unplugged the printer, carried it over to the counter, set it down, and gave it a vigorous spanking.

I then calmly picked it back up, brought it to the computer, and reattached it.

Problem solved.


cjgmusic said...

yeah, whatever happened to the days when you could give the electronics a good slappin around and they shaped up? my xbox360 is giving me the red circle (basically, the finger). i'm tempted to set it out in the cold for the night and teach it a lesson. think it'll work?

cjgmusic said...
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LakeWater On Tap said...

Couldn't hurt! I've fixed PC's with questionable fans by doing something similar in the past. (Temporary fix only, unfortunately.)

BTW, should I know who this is?

cjgmusic said...

cory from myspace, added ya recently.

cjgmusic said...
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