Thursday, November 15, 2007

Gifted Students

Parents in Houston were outraged earlier this year when two eight graders had hot boy-on-girl sex in front of a rapt, full-house audience of their peers in their school classroom. This apparently happened after the teacher left the classroom for a bit. So, in a nutshell, these two kids had unsupervised sexual contact in school, during normal school hours, while all their friends stood around watching.

I can see why the parents are pissed.

I remember the reaction my parents had when they found out I was going to be taking Honors Algebra in the seventh grade. They were all like, “In my day, Algebra was for juniors!” It’s hard for a lot of parents to discover that their kids will blow past the apex of their own formal education before they’ve wet the bed for the last time. It’s gotta be a blow to the old ego. So this really has to be a soul-crusher right here.

Remember, the teacher wasn’t in the room at all when this sex act happened. That means not only were these gifted kids fucking at the 12th grade level, they were doing it without any teacher support whatsoever. A lots of kids are book smart, but these two were acing the lab portion of advanced sex ed before they had even done the pre-reading.

I just say that it’s amazing what kids can accomplish when they’re motivated and clever. This right here is proof positive that the American Education system works.

It almost makes me wonder if we need sex ed in schools at all. Sure looks like that subject is being derived just fine from first principles.

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