Friday, October 19, 2007


This morning reminded me why I hate video news. If you’re having trouble finding that apex of retardation in your written news, turn to video news feeds for sweet, sweet stupidity.

To paraphrase the video caption, a Texas lawmaker has his panties in a bunch because the local university’s student health center is giving away free condoms to the students. Here are some fun facts about these condoms:
--They’re donated at no cost to students or the university from various safe-sex advocacy groups.
--They’re available to be taken if (and only if) desired, from a relatively tasteful little basket.
--They’re available at the same location you can get a presentation on safe sex practices and other STD information. Again, only if you want to hear it.
--Said location is the student health center. A reasonable place to start if an STD needs to be corrected or avoided, in my mind.

The lawmaker in question feels that these condoms send a clear message to students. That message is, “HAVE SEX! SEXXXXXX! HAVE IT NOW!!!!!”

I’m afraid I seem to be less attuned to the subtext than our beloved elected official here. I thought the message was something more like, “If you know what these are for, you probably also have a pretty good idea if they’re in your particular best interest. If you don’t know, we can help you become better informed to make that decision. If you think these are for you but don’t have any, please, help yourself.”

For contrast, I have edited some images to show what a clear message of “HAVE SEX!” coming from a university or peer pressure might look like to me. Enjoy!

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