Monday, December 17, 2007

The Spirit of the Law

Florida State Troopers recently found two garbage bags of pot along the highway. They are holding them at the station. If you believe these bags of pot (worth $54,000) are yours, feel free to stop by and pick them up.

I have conflicting feelings about this. Despite the fact that alcohol is a little too hardcore for me, I am generally of the opinion that the US would be better off if all street drugs were legal, FDA regulated, and taxed at exorbitant rates. In other words, I really don’t care WHAT you think is fun to put in your body, so long as you pay somebody to clean up your messes afterwards. I feel this is better than the current system where people put whatever they want in their bodies anyway, but they instead give all their money to criminal empires that make further messes instead.

Despite this, I want to give a solid round of applause to the Florida State Troopers in question. This idea is a masterpiece.

Again, I don’t really care if your idea of a good weekend is smoking two garbage bags of pot. Go right ahead.

However, anyone who will call up the Florida State Troopers and try to pick up two garbage bags of the stuff? I want that person off the streets. Quickly. And then I want that person executed. Sometimes, it’s in the best interest of everyone to help Darwin along.

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